The Importance of Quality Eye Protection

When working with heavy machinery, protecting your eyes is of utmost importance. Low quality vision wear can easily crack and chip. And at the moment you need protection the most, they could cause more of a problem than protection to your eyes. Making sure you always wear quality, high impact glasses or goggles can mean the difference between keeping and losing your vision for life.

Regular sunglasses are no substitute for safety goggles. Metal shavings, sparks, wood chips and gravel are microscopic and can easily penetrate the space between traditional glasses and your face. These particles are usually traveling at high rates of speed and could lead to blindness. The protection in the periphery of the eye wear is imperative to protecting your eyesight.
Industrial Eye Protection PPE
Trusting your vision protection to cheap safety glasses could spell a problem in many more ways than one. Aside from the potential of allowing shatter fragments in your eyes with a great enough impact, cheap eye protection lack additional features, such as fog-proof lenses and UV protection. This prevents damage from UV radiation to eyelids, the cornea and lens of the eye.

When you are working hard, you don’t want your goggles to fog up, especially when precision is crucial. Skipping the cheap eye protection also means you avoid loose-fitting equipment. Glasses frames that are resilient to stretching and loosening are imperative to maintaining a snug fit when you are active with your hands and can’t be bothered to adjust and readjust your eyewear.

Permanent blindness or reductions in vision are risks associated with not taking the proper precautions to protecting your eyes. So it is the first step you should take after strapping up your boots and heading out to work in the morning. There are also more stylish and prescription goggle options, so there is no reason to not put them on and protect your eyes. They are, after all the only ones you have.

Particle Counters Protect the Air we Breathe, Food we eat

Particle counters models are far and ranging and can be implemented for many kinds of use. They are very versatile and quite a groundbreaking advancement in detection technology. Able to detect onsite particle presence in both liquid and air, particle counters remove the painstaking measures of antiquated lab detection.

The numerous functions particle counters serve include facilitating clean room regulation. Ensuring minimal particle presence in clean rooms is crucial to chip and silicone production, as particle contamination significantly reduces chip performance. Reductions in product yield due to particle contamination cost software and computer companies millions.
Particle Counters In Cleanrooms
Strict regulation is also present in the pharmaceutical production industry. If manufacturers are found to have excessive particle contamination, they can face fines, manufacturing shut downs and scrapping of entire manufacturing product runs. Particle counters are crucial to determining particles per square inch so the company has sufficient time to address the issue prior to inspection.

Counters are also available models for liquid particle counting. This is useful for companies concerned with liquid production and meeting quality control standards, especially concerning procedures for the manufacture of liquids for injection. Contamination control for liquid is crucial to the health of the patient and must employ any water fortification from only ultra-pure water.

Liquid used in medical production must be practically free of any particle presence. To a less crucial extent, silicon wafers must be rinsed only with ultra-pure water. The equipment is also very useful for determining particle presence in products processed for consumption, regulated by the FDA, and machinery oil, important for regular preventative maintenance.

Particle counters are imperative for determining contamination in so many products that touch our lives. They protect everything from the medicine we take to the computers we use to what we eat. They are even important for designating habitable areas and where we can live.

Infrared Detection Key for Money-Saving Predictive Maintenance

Heat in machinery or electronic components is an indication of impending thermal breakdown. When a device or machine is running hot, it is effectively waving a red flag something is not running properly. But with complex machinery, it isn’t always easy to determine neither if a machine is performing smoothly nor if any of the components are hot to the touch.

Individually checking components is time consuming while scheduled preventative maintenance is time consuming and often a waste of money. This is because many of the components may not have quite reached the entirety of use. And getting all the use you can out of a component or device is imperative to saving your company money. Employing predictive maintenance, however, will save your company resources while keeping your operation smoothly running.

Predictive maintenance detects the condition of in-service equipment. This ensures cost savings over preventative maintenance because replacement is only conducted when needed. There are many means of effective preventative maintenance. These include everything from acoustic to oil analysis. But thermal detection is the best means for determining problem spots.

Industrial Infrared Detection Predictive Maintenance Thermography

This is because without any disassembly of the machine, you can simply take an image of a machine to indicate the hot spots using infrared technology. This imaging helps you and your maintenance team determine problem-areas emitting temperatures higher than normal operating levels. This equipment allows you to scan for overheating components as fast as you can walk through your facility.

Unnecessary equipment replacement means unnecessary money spent and unnecessary down time. Making for quick and accurate inspection, thermal detection imaging is your best source for time and money-saving maintenance. Because if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.

Moisture Meters Can Save You Thousands

Treated wood can retain moisture for any number of reasons. And installing damp wood happens a lot more than you would think. Ensuring you are working on your next project only with dry wood is imperative not only to the longevity of your building, but also to preventing black mold.

As you already know, most lumberyards are outdoors. When the weather is particularly rainy or humid, lumbar tends to attract moisture. And the longer it sits in wet conditions, the more moisture the wood retains. To some degree, this may go unnoticed when you purchase the wood from the yard. But this moisture could mean the difference between warped and cracking wood and flush, straight walls and joists for years to come.

No wood moisture will go unnoticed to a moisture meter. Using tiny pins leaving undetectable punctures, a moisture meter is an essential component to any building project. Framing lumber with a moisture content of over 18% is much more prone to warping and twisting as it dries. When this drying process happens when the wood is already framed, it could mean a project redo or an unhappy customer.

Digital Wood Moisture Meter

And if your wood is showing too much moisture according to your moisture meter, before framing it, you will want to air dry it until the moisture content is no more than 12%. This will require stacking would piles on a rack and aiming an air fan at it. If you have the means, you could use a kiln to dry the lumber even further to down to as low as 6%.

You want to ensure if your lumber is moist that you take all measures to dry it out before even considering framing it. This will ensure true square and straight framing for happy customers and project redos, which can cost you thousands.