industrial thermography

Infrared Detection Key for Money-Saving Predictive Maintenance

Heat in machinery or electronic components is an indication of impending thermal breakdown. When a device or machine is running hot, it is effectively waving a red flag something is not running properly. But with complex machinery, it isn’t always easy to determine neither if a machine is performing smoothly nor if any of the components are hot to the touch.

Individually checking components is time consuming while scheduled preventative maintenance is time consuming and often a waste of money. This is because many of the components may not have quite reached the entirety of use. And getting all the use you can out of a component or device is imperative to saving your company money. Employing predictive maintenance, however, will save your company resources while keeping your operation smoothly running.

Predictive maintenance detects the condition of in-service equipment. This ensures cost savings over preventative maintenance because replacement is only conducted when needed. There are many means of effective preventative maintenance. These include everything from acoustic to oil analysis. But thermal detection is the best means for determining problem spots.

Industrial Infrared Detection Predictive Maintenance Thermography

This is because without any disassembly of the machine, you can simply take an image of a machine to indicate the hot spots using infrared technology. This imaging helps you and your maintenance team determine problem-areas emitting temperatures higher than normal operating levels. This equipment allows you to scan for overheating components as fast as you can walk through your facility.

Unnecessary equipment replacement means unnecessary money spent and unnecessary down time. Making for quick and accurate inspection, thermal detection imaging is your best source for time and money-saving maintenance. Because if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.